Learning how to Create List view Layouts in FileMaker Pro

The Putney Breeze YouTube channel provides a series of short videos to teach you the basics for creating a custom database solution and mobile App.

The FileMaker Pro training videos take you through the steps required to create a mobile travel app that you can use with FileMaker Go.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel an watch the new videos that come out each week.


FileMaker Pro Video Training

FileMaker Pro Video Training

Learn FileMaker Pro and develop your custom database solution Faster

In video 2.4 we show you the basic methods for creating list view layouts.

At Putney Breeze we can help you create your custom database solutions from scratch, help you improve and update your current FileMaker solution or provide training and coaching.

With developers and consultant based in Melbourne and Sydney, Putney Breeze has developed automated quoting systems, product and project costing systems, integrate POS and Accounting systems to create custom management reporting solutions.

Learn FileMaker Pro with Putney breeze and create your competitive advantage.