Lessons in Customer Service for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from Europe’s most successful Bank.
The banking industry has taken significant hits in Europe and USA. However, one bank stands head and shoulders above its competitors. Handelsbanken is Europe’s most successful bank with total returns more than double its nearest competitor over the last five years.
So how has Handelsbanken achieved its success in the grey sky’s that surrounds the banking industry?
They have kept it simple. Paul Sinclair, Sunderland Branch manager explains.
“We focus on what the client wants”, Paul explains further, “We keep it simple and make it easy for the client to do business”. By giving managers accountability, decentralising decision making and focusing on relationship, Handelsbanken keeps it simple for the customer.
The irony of Handelsbanken’s success is their adoption of critical small business principles in a big business context.
– There are no call centres
– Business is client solutions driven not product driven.
– Client solutions are driven by what is right for the customer
– You are encourage to challenge the quality of service you currently receive
– You deal with the decision maker
Successful small business principles go a long way.
Ask yourself how well have you ingrained customer focus in your business, have you kept it simple and made it easy for client to do business with you?
Paul Sinclair, Handelsbanken Banch Manager, Sunderland, speaking at Sunderland University.
For information on how to incorporate Handelsbanken principles in your business contact Putney Breeze at info@putneybreeze.com.au
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