Chris' work has been fantastic for our business. He has the ability to quickly grasp what you need to deliver better services and products. He is innovative and at the same time very thorough in his approach. Thanks so much Chris for all your valuable time and advice
Sally Guilloux-Cooke, Director BeInSync
Putney Breeze developed Smartech’s “Sales Quote System”. The application is hosted on our server with FileMaker Server 15 software and is used by our administrative staff for monitoring and reporting on inbound inquiries, quote status of leads and invoice status of our projects in progress. The data is linked to customer details and history. Putney Breeze is a pleasure to work with and I would recommend Chris’s work to other people.
Anthony Cassar, Director Smartech Door Systems
Tools N All is an innovative on site supplier of manufacturing and construction tools and specialist equipment. Efficient and effective utilisation of delivery vehicles and inventory management is central to Tools N All’s operations. Putney Breeze developed Tools N All’s “Mobile Invoicing and Despatch System”. The application is hosted by FileMaker Server 15 and is used on our mobile devices for creating and despatching orders, obtaining POD signatures, invoicing, monitoring inventory and reorder levels. Importantly the system automatically calculates gross margin by product by customer by month by year. Our invoicing history is linked to customer information and product sales history. We also can access an automated a top 20 customer by date report for any date range. Chris is a very positive and encouraging person who is a pleasure to work with and would recommend him to others without hesitation.
Neville De Alwis, Director Tools N All

Contact Info

13/22-30 Wallace Avenue, Point Cook, Melbourne, Victoria

Phone: 03 9395 1118

Group Programmes

Grow Your Business Group Programmes

Premiership Business 1 Day Intensive | Premiership Business workshop

1 Day and Walk away with Business Growth in hand
Is there a formula for business success? Yes there is! The more important question is do you have the ingredients? This workshop explains practical techniques that can solve your complex business challenges. Based on the Premiership Business model, in this workshop you will uncover how you can […]

Grow Your Business Group Programs

Hobsons Bay Maximise Profit for Growth Group Programme – Your catalyst for business growth in 2016

“Maximise Profit for Growth” focuses on providing business owners with skills and knowledge to take their business to the next level. Equip yourself with the tools and techniques to;

Understand and implement business growth strategies
Leverage techniques to maximise your Sales and Marketing […]

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